Course Reflection - Managing Education Technology Services

This course was one of the more informative of my classes, and yet wasn’t necessarily what I expected this course to be in the end.

When I originally started looking through the modules, I thought this class was going to be more focused on hardware, and understanding the logistics of reprogramming hardware/software, or heavier on the IT side of things. From the study guide for the test through Pearson, I thought this course would be when I would be learning more of the hardware things for that test. I learned relatively quickly that this course was not designed to teach those types of things.

This course was more about leadership and leadership roles, and about guiding others towards a common goal for the development of an effective technology program within a school or a district.

I feel like I learned a lot in this course. One of my favorite things was being able to discuss specific ethical issues for online and remote learning. This is becoming an increasingly relevant conversation, especially as districts are putting out their fall plans now! I’m excited to take the things I learned from these discussions and to share them with my fellow music teachers and the art teachers on my teams.


Institutional Technology Plan