Project Based Learning
This project is one I had begun working on long before it was even assigned. In my current district, we have been beginning the slow yet significant process of transforming our music curriculum into an Understanding by Design template/layout. We have been going through the work of rewriting our curriculum for approximately one year, and are constantly making updates and changes to our curricular documents.
The idea of Project Based Learning has always been something I have been very interested in, and something I really wanted to be able to do with my students, but my current teaching situation hasn’t always allowed for this type of assessment. It is something I hope to be able to do if our teaching schedule changes in the future, or in a future teaching job.
In this project, students would be researching music that was written for a cultural and/or historical purpose. The idea would be that students could pick a historical event, provided by myself or the history/social sciences teacher, and research the historical event itself, as well as art works and musical pieces that were created in response to the historical event. They would be able to add all of these different components and their research to a Google Collaborative Site in a virtual, interactive timeline.
All in all, this was a really cool project to begin thinking over as I look forward to transitioning into Library Sciences and the collaboration aspect that my future career will offer.